Thursday, November 5, 2009

These Are the Bikini Princess Leias You Are Looking For [Image Cache]

These Are the Bikini Princess Leias You Are Looking For [Image Cache]: "
Did you know Princess Leia had a twin? And that they sunbathed on Jabba barge's deck, half-naked and oily under the torrid light of Tatooine's twin suns? Neither did I, but I wish I knew when I was 11.
It's never too late, though.
Here you can see Carrie Fisher in her metal bikini alonside Tracy Eddon, her stunt double in Return of the Jedi. Both are suntanning between takes on the deck of Jabba's Sail Barge, on location in Tunisia's desert. Yes, Han, this shot is one in a million. [fukung via @Kottke]

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