Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Qik for Android Gets Updated to Support High Resolution Recording For DROID

Qik for Android Gets Updated to Support High Resolution Recording For DROID: "

If you didn't already know, the DROID is capable of recording video at 720x480 resolution where most other Android phones record at 320x240 resolution. This means that your DROID can record video at the same resolution as DVDs. Whoa.

Apps will surely take advantage of the superior hardware and the first app to do so is Qik, the live video broadcasting application. The new Qik app for Android is currently in the invite-only, beta stage but judging from the video quality taken with Qik it looks amazing. Qik also gets a fresh new UI update and an improved version of the 'Speed Sharing Ribbon' which allows you to instantly share your videos with specific contacts. Contact to get details on how to be a part of the DROID-only beta release.

How happy are you with the video recording in the DROID? Will you Qik more?

Hit the jump to see the test video of Qik on the DROID!


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