Raspberry Pi

~A home for my Raspberry Pi related fun~

[May 22, 2014]
Some useful commands to bring your pi up to date:

sudo apt-get update
This will synchronize the database of available software packages and the versions available.

sudo apt-get upgrade
This will cause any packages with newer versions available to be updated.

sudo rpi-update
This will update the Kernel and Firmware.

[Nov 9, 2013] So it's been a while but I have finally found some time to get back to the Pi.  Below I'm going to outline the general steps I've taken to get the Pi up and running. Keep in mind these are just high level notes but should be enough info to get you going.

Get an Operating System
  1. Install NOOBS on an SD card. To do this follow the instructions found here: http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads

Set up the Pi to Boot Headless (Remote Desktop)
  1. Install xrdp on the Pi
    1. Command: sudo apt-get install xrdp
    2. Reboot the Pi
  2. Log in  with 'Remote Desktop Connection' in windows
    1. Use command "ifconfig" to get the IP address of the Pi
  3. Reference: http://elinux.org/RPi_XRDP_Server
[Update]  Even though the above setup was easy, I'm finding the 'Remote Desktop Connection' to have a bit of  lag.  This could be my wireless connection but I remember VNC to be a bit more responsive, so next I'll try the install instructions found here: http://elinux.org/RPi_VNC_Server

Transferring files from Windows to Pi

  1. Enable SSH Server using the PI Config Tool
    1. Command: sudo raspi-config
  2. Download and install WinSCP.  http://winscp.net
  3. Run WinSCP and login with Pi's IP address, user name and password
    1. No need to add port number (e.g. :1) after the IP address

[Mar 23, 2013] Just finished printing a case for my Pi. It fits really good and should protect it well enough while I learn how to use it. The design can be found on Thingiverse if you have the means to print one for yourself.

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