Thursday, April 15, 2010

eBuddy IM

eBuddy IM: "

Get the best instant messaging experience with eBuddy! Features: Fast and reliable messenger, Chat with multiple MSN, Facebook, Yahoo, AIM, ICQ, GTalk & MySpace accounts, All IM friends in one buddy list, Run in background & new message alerts, Messages sent as data, not SMS/Text.

Price: Free Android App Review:

Pros & Cons:


  • Multiple instant messenger chat client

  • Includes Facebook chat

  • Some battery saving considerations when enabled however delays messages


  • eBuddy account required to connect to other messenger clients (understandable part of their business model)


eBuddy IM Android App integrates many messenger and chat clients plus allows you to navigate through each with ease. Features multiple messenger clients, start chats, view friends quick profile, see friends status, change eBuddy status, emoticons and even send a buzz. For those whom griped about Facebook apps for Android does not include chat, here is an app for it!

Initially you need to sign up for an eBuddy ID (typical information required is username, password and email). Choose whatever messenger client you commonly use as it gives access to them simultaneously. For instance, Yahoo IM will show all your friends who you have in your contact list and who may currently be online. Allowing you to chat and message with them from the app, the upper tab has all the messenger clients listed. Once signed in, you receive notifications in the window shade, updates and messages all from one app.

eBuddy IM Buddies
eBuddy IM Chats
eBuddy IM Accounts
eBuddy IM Emoticons

Usefulness & Ease of Use:

This is highly recommended for those who use multiple messenger clients. After logging in you have the freedom to constantly switch between different messenger services with ease.

Frequently Used:

User dependent on instant messenger chat needs


The user interface is well organized and makes mobile chats easy. Rating Rating! Rating! Rating! Rating! Rating! (3.9 out of 5)

Should you Download eBuddy IM? Yes! Chat on Multiple Platforms with eBuddy IM!

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